
Moneda digital privada

Monero es dinero en efectivo para un mundo en conexión. Es rápido, privado y seguro. Con Monero, tú eres tu propio banco. Puedes utilizarlo con seguridad, sabiendo que otros no pueden conocer tu balance ni rastrear tus actividades.

Learn more about Monero


Choose a Wallet

To use Monero, the first thing you are going to need is a wallet. Visit our Downloads page and get the right wallet for you. The Monero wallets are available for a variety of platforms and contain everything you need to use Monero immediately.


Create wallet

Get Some Coins

After you install a wallet, you need to get some Monero. There are multiple ways to acquire some coins to spend, like mining or working in exchange for Monero, but the easiest way is to use an exchange and convert your fiat money into XMR. many exchanges, centralized and decentralized, list Monero (XMR).


It's a Currency: Use It!

Monero is a currency and can be exchanged for goods and services, privately and with very low fees. Many entities will gladly accept XMR for payments; take a look at our list of merchants currently accepting Monero.



Find Answers to Your Questions

Hemos compilado un FAQ específico y variado de las preguntas que han surgido a lo largo del tiempo. Si tienes alguna duda, puedes hacer tu pregunta a través de los canales de comunicación de la comunidad.


Guides and Resources

The community has put together a vast amount of resources and documentation. Users can find useful info and guides about common configurations and tips in the 'User Guides' section. Developers can find everything they need to build a service based on Monero or simply communicate with the network in the 'Developer Guides'. The Library offers publications and books downloadable for free, including the full 'Mastering Monero' and 'Zero to Monero' books.

Join the Community

We Need Your Skills: Contribute!

Monero is not simply a currency, it's a decentralized community and exists only thanks to the hundred of volunteers that dedicate their time to the project. Join us!


Monero Research Lab

Laboratorio de Investigación de Monero (MRL)

The MRL (Monero Research Lab) is a very important part of Monero. Researchers and cryptographers from all over the world meet to find new ways to improve Monero. Read their papers and join them!

Visit the MRL